Spring is slowly arriving in Colorado. I enjoy crocus popping from the ground and trees budding into a hazy green. I’m thankful as life emerges from the long winter. All this beauty designed by our Creator.

David wrote a statement that in a few words captured God’s goodness towards us:

I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”

All the good things I enjoy come from the hand of God. My wife, my family, and my friends, along with good neighbors and invaluable co-workers. Marvelous sunsets and shade on a hot summer day. A good meal—every meal in fact, which is why we bow to give thanks. It’s as if the Lord plated the food just for me and you.

David’s prayer forms a simple, yet powerful expression of gratitude. One I need to remember and express every day, because every day I enjoy gift after gift from above.

Lord, you are my Lord. Thank you for every bit of beauty and wonder and care you’ve added to my life. Remind me today that apart from you I have no good thing.

Psalm 16 in Through the Bible in 2024

Photo by Tim Cooper