Over the years in ministry I’ve grown to value the Pastoral Epistles more and more. These three letters written to two young church planters yield tons of wisdom for anyone hoping to minister to others.

Timothy received the two letters we read as 1 & 2 Timothy, and Paul sent to Titus the letter we read in his name. These two missionaries launched churches, argued against false doctrines, and set up governing structures. The work proved arduous and often discouraging. Paul’s letters brought hope as they slogged away.

Early in his first letter Paul reminded Timothy of his calling: Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience.

The first step to fight the battle well? Remember why you’re here. Paul urged Timothy to recognize God’s call on his life and gain energy for the fight. If you remember, Timothy grew up in the faith under a godly grandmother and mother. Paul brought to mind that legacy Timothy carried.

Hang in there. You’re not alone. More people think of you and pray for you than you realize. Remember who’s with you and fight the battle well.

1 Timothy 1 in reading the Bible cover to cover in 2022

Photo by Dave Hoefler