Usually when I read through the Bible I settle on comforting images, like cattle grazing on grassy hills, or quiet waters to rest beside. But occasionally, the imagery shocks my modern sensibilities.

David writes with outrage about evil people, and he prays for the Lord’s retribution. He asks the Lord to break the teeth in their mouths. He hopes their futures compare to slugs melting on the sidewalk, to babies born dead.

Then he shares how glad the righteous will be when they gain vengeance, when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked.

I understand frustration and anger, but dipping feet in the blood of your enemies? David painted with a different set of oils than me. He faced people out to murder him, and he watched evil people kill friends and family. He fought face-to-face, stepping across bloody battlegrounds. David’s words bring to mind feelings following 9-11, now twenty years past, and our immediate desire to strike back against those who slaughtered innocent people.

The hope for those waiting to see if evil people finally get what they deserve?

Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.


Psalm 58 in week thirty-two of reading the Bible cover to cover

Photo by Aidan Bartos