Jacob affirmed his favorite child with an extravagant coat, and poured gasoline on the fires of jealousy in the other sons.

Rebekah colluded with one son, Jacob, to fool Issac and steal the father’s blessing from her other son, Esau.

Abraham jump-started a family by taking a slave girl as a surrogate, then later sent mother and son out into the desert to live on their own or die trying.

Loads of parenting principles violated. Don’t buy anyone’s workbook on “Parenting Practices from Genesis.” All this craziness from men and woman God engaged and blessed. Were they the only ones available?

God moved despite their mistakes and missteps. As a terribly imperfect parent myself, I take heart. Lift your heads, my fellow imperfect parents, and my fellow imperfect children. God uses imperfect people.

We’re the only ones available.

Week three of reading the Bible cover to cover.