In Madrid, the Spanish value ham so highly that they have museums dedicated to the delicacy. The most expensive ham, jamón ibérico de bellota, comes from a free-range black pig that dines on acorns and herbs as it matures in the forests. After slaughter, the meat is cured for three to four years. Of course, it’s fabulous. In Madrid, you can get ham in many ways, but my favorite was the “ham cone” pictured here. You can choose from several varieties of ham that you enjoy as you stroll around the city.

While visiting my hometown of Branson, MO, recently, I can across a disturbingly similar display of classic meat. In this case, bologna. In the Ozarks you can get a wide variety of bolognas, including thick cut, a light variety, even BBQ. You can get 100% beef bologna or a cut that is anything but beef. So much to choose from but unfortunately no cones. Yet. Here’s an open opportunity for an enterprising young person to start selling bologna cones to tourists.