A man who stared down kings, survived stonings and shipwrecks, healed the sick and shook off the venom of poisonous vipers – what’s not to love about Paul? I just read this book for a course I’m taking on Acts and the Pauline Epistles. I thoroughly enjoyed Charles Swindoll’s thoughts on the life and ministry of Paul. It’s been I long time since I’ve read a book by Swindoll and I was quickly reminded of his humor, insights and his practicality of application, especially for those in ministry.

In the first chapter I was struck by Swindoll’s description of Saul as a “religious terrorist.” Swindoll goes on to say “That’s why there’s nothing more frightening, more vicious than a religious terrorist. What they do, they justify in the name of God.” Since this book was published, we’ve seen ever-increasing evidence of that reality. Which make me wonder, is there another Paul out there, currently committed to Islamic terrorism, who will become the great missionary of tomorrow? I hope and pray so. Perhaps even on the road to Damascus a similar miracle could occur?

Two thoughts kept circling around in my mind as I read this book and as I jotted down notable passages on the way through. First, this life of adventure lived by Paul. His was no boring, cloistered life of ministry. He was fully engaged and ever pushing on to new arenas. Fearless comes to mind. A second thought emerged as I found my way to the final few chapters; a theme that I’ve been weighing personally for the last year or so, and the life of Paul demonstrates it so well. That is, our need for longevity in ministry, or finishing well with the Lord, or keeping the faith until the end of life. My life, in particular.

I loved the book. So much so I ordered another book in the series. I’m challenged to push forward in my work in missions despite the daily obstacles. I encouraged to continue to pursue depth in life and in the Lord. Finally, I’m inspired to end strong and finish the race in a manner of which Paul would approve.